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Home » Projects & Case studies » Vinyl Stickers for Packaging Case Study

Custom Printed vinyl stickers for packaging boxes

packaging stickers

Online sales and subscription boxes have all been increasing in popularity over the years. The demand for home deliveries has been further increased by the pandemic. It is therefore important that your packaging is branded up and does not miss a marketing opportunity.

Fetch walk sit contacted us when they wanted to brighten up their packaging by placing stickers on to their doggie gift boxes. The boxes are filled with a variety of treats and learning toys selected by Fetch walk sit.

The colourful designs were custom printed on to gloss finish self-adhesive vinyl and cut to size ready to be stuck on the packaging.

Stickers on packaging is a great way of quickly adding branding or promotional messages to your deliveries. Multiple designs can be printed for different products, allowing you to brand boxes as required without the need for having a large supply of pre-printed packaging.

If you’d like to discuss your stickers for your packaging or for further advice please contact our team on 01347 823230.

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