Point of sale, display, graphics and signage for both indoor and outdoor use
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With the recent government coronavirus update came the announcement that certain non-essential shops and stores (this includes clothes, furniture, toy, book and shoe shops) will be able to reopen shortly.
Guidelines have been issued to ensure customer and staff safety, when the shops re-open. There are many factors involved, this includes the introduction of one way systems, to guide the flow of customers around shops safely.
Advice recommends providing floor markings and adequate signage to highlight to customers the need for staying 2 metres apart and following the ongoing social distancing guidelines.
Floor markers are a great way of marking out the 2 metre spacings and highlighting where you would like customers to wait and how you require them to travel around the store.
One of the first considerations is the number of customers in your shop, at any one time, does this need to be limited? If so, do you need to think about wait here behind the line outdoor floor stickers, or perhaps 2m outdoor floor dots so they can queue outside at a safe distance.
When considering your markings, you need to think about the different surfaces that the stickers need to adhere to. The outdoor floor stickers we print at Screenprint & Display Ltd are suitable for use on concrete, asphalt, tile & brick.
Once inside the store there are various floor sticker options that may be required. Directional arrow indoor floor stickers printed in black and yellow are a very clear way of advising people of the flow you would like them to take around the shop. These stickers are custom shape cut and are easily applied.
Circular stickers with arrows or your own custom designs are an alternative to shape cut arrows stickers, all of which can be easily positioned as floor markers.
In areas where people need to queue, have you considered with wait behind the line stickers that can be placed at 2 metre intervals or stand here floor stickers.
If you would like any further information or advice please contact our team: Email sally@screenprintanddisplay.com or call 01347 823 230