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Outdoor Sign materials


Are you looking at outdoor sign materials? Are there materials for temporary signage that can be recycled?

Screenprint and Display are always on the look out for new outdoor sign materials. For years Correx® has been the go-to option for temporary outdoor signage. It’s lightweight and waterproof properties combined with the cheap price tag, make it ideal for roadside advertising, events signs, promotional campaigns, for sale boards and more. Correx® material is recyclable in waste stream 5.

Recently Katz outdoor board has been introduced to the market. This is a 2mm wood pulp display board. The Katz outdoor board offers a great short term, lightweight material option. Suitable for up to 12 weeks outdoor use (depending on the weather and location). This board is 100% recyclable in standard waste paper streams.

Correx® ‘v’ Katz outdoor board comparison:


Correx® material Katz outdoor board material
Rigidity Yes Yes
Lightweight Yes Yes
Available in 8ft x 4ft sheets Yes Yes
Suitable for outdoor use Yes Up to 12 weeks
Price Yes Almost double the price of Correx® (prices may vary but at time published)
Thicknesses 3mm, 4mm,5mm, 6mm & 10mm 1.2mm & 2mm

If you would like any prices, samples or further information about reflective signs and stickers,
please contact our team on 01347 823 230.


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